The following herb ID's have been loaded into your flash cards....

Sheng Ma,

This web site allows you to design your own flash cards query. You can choose up to two fields of information to display, and we will then ask you one question field. Please choose the type of flash cards query you want to review below...

Note: Flash cards will work best when you select at least TEN herbs to review (from the previous page). Functional problems may occur with less than 5 herbs selected. GO BACK and make sure you've selected some herbs before proceeding.

Choose the first field we will show you?

Choose the second field we will show you?

Now choose what field we should quiz you about?

Single Herb Stories:

Single Herbs Home

Formula Stories:

Formulas Home


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Flashcards: Review

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Site designed by Justin Hays, LAc of Maui Acupuncture. Also see a valuable Chinese Nutrition resource.
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