Ju Hua - Release Exterior: Wind Heat
(LU, LV) - (4.5-15g)


When Chysanthemum seeds are dispersed on the summer wind you can watch with bright eyes as they are blown from the volcano to the toxic desert.

English Name: chrysanthemum flower
Pharmacuetical Name: Flos Chrysanthemi
Properties: acrid, sweet, bitter, cool

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
dispersed on the summer wind dispels wind heat
bright eyes... volcano benefits eyes; Subdues LV Yang; clears LV;
toxic desert clears toxic heat


       Ju Hua Actions and Indications
  • Dispels Wind Heat (W/H with fever and headache, sore throat)
  • Subdues LV Yang; Clears LV; benefits eyes (dry eyes due to wind-heat, red, swollen, or yin deficiency, or Liver fire flaring up; Liver yang hyperactivity with dizziness, headache, deafness; modern use for hypertension)
  • Clears Toxic Heat (skin disorders like boils, carbuncles, sores)
  • (cc: qi deficient patients with poor appetite or diarrhea)
    Alternate Forms:
  • huang ju hua: to disperse wind-heat relieve toxicity
  • bai ju hua: to clear LV and subdue LV yang
    Special Notes:
  • Ju Hua has antibiotic and vasodilative properties.

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