Bian Xu - Promote Urination and Relieve Edema


Bian Xu (Bian Xu House is a de-caf coffee...)

Bian Xu House is a new type of decaf coffee. that can help stop itching and expel parasites if you keep it away from the insects.

English Name: common knotgrass herb
Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Polygoni Avicularis
Properties: bitter, cool

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
decaf coffee promotes urination; clear DH from bladder
stop itching... expel parasites stops itching; expels parasites


      Bian Xu Actions and Indications
  • Promotes Urination, clear Damp Heat from bladder (damp-heat lin)
  • Expels parasites; stops itching (damp skin lesions with itching, kills insects, tinea, eczema, vaginal trichomonas, also for intestinal parasites: tapeworm, hookworm, pinworm; topical or internal use)
  • (cc: caution with Stomach/Spleen deficiency)
    Special Notes:
  • A decoction of 50 to 100 grams Bian Xu has been shown to treat toothache effectively: 80 out of 81 patients reported decrease in pain within 2 to 3 das after treatment.

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