Warm Interior Cold Formulas

Warm Interior Cold -> Middle Jiao Deficient Cold

Li Zhong Wan "Lee's song wand"
Middle-Jiao deficient cold (with SP Yang Deficiency)
Action: Warm middle jiao to expel cold, Tonify qi to strengthen SP Yang
Key Sx: Cold limbs, Poor appetite, N&V, diarrhea, convulsion, bleeding, chest pain (T: pale with white moistening coating) (P: thin or deep slow weak pulse)
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang "Minor Cinnamon Peony Combination"
Middle-Jiao deficient cold (with LV / SP disharmony, Yang deficiency with cold, and yin and blood deficiency)
Action: warm and tonify the middle jiao, moderate painful spasms
Key Sx: Abdominal pain, prefer warmth and pressure, palpitations, pale complexion, restlessness, fever in palms, dry mouth and throat (T: Pale, thin wiry pulse)
CC: Not for vomiting with middle jiao excess

.... Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang

Action: warm and tonify the middle jiao, moderate painful spasms
Ingredients: Xiao Jian Zhong Tang +Huang Qi
.... Dang Gui Jian Zhong Tang
Action: Warm and tonify qi and blood, moderates spasmodic abdominal pain
Ingredients: Xiao Jian Zhong Tang +Dang Gui
.... Da Jian Zhong Tang
Action: Warm and tonify the middle jiao, descend upward flowing cold, stop pain
Ingredients: Yi Tang, Shu Jiao, Gan Jiang, Ren Shen

Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Syndrome: LV / ST deficient cold, turbid yin flows upwards
Action: Warm and tonify LV and ST, directs rebellious qi downward, and stops vomiting
Key Sx: vertex headache worsen at midnight, better in the morning, with vomiting, cold limbs, vomiting saliva, (T:pale with white slippery coating, P: wiry slow )
Remember: "Wu Zhu Yu the fox developed turbid yin and LV/ST def. cold when he stopped firefighting."
Warm Interior Cold -> Rescue Devastated Yang (HT and KD Yang)
Si Ni Tang "Frigid Extremities Decoctions" (see also, vs. Si Ni San)
Syndrome: HT and KD Yang collapse
Action: Rescues devastated yang, warms the middle jiao, stops diarrhea
Key Sx: Cold extremities, sleepy, lassitude (T: pale with white coating), (P: thin, faint)
Remember: "Si Ni Tang for HT/KD Yang"
.... Tong Mai Si Ni Tang Ingredients: Si Ni Tang with increased dose of Gan Jiang and Fu Zi, and +Zhu Dan Zhi
.... Si Ni Jia Ren Shen Tang Ingredients: Si Ni Tang +Ren Shen
.... Bai Tong Tang Ingredients: Cong Bai, Gan Jiang, Fu Zi, Zhu Dan Zhi, Ren Niao

Warm the Channels and Disperse Cold
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang "Angel Si Ni Tang"
Syndrome: Cold direct attack
Key Sx: Cold extremities, (T pale with white coat, P: thin and imperceptible)
Application: Bi Syndrome, Cold skin/purplish dark skin, Jue Yin LV channel cold syndrome
Remember: "For direct cold attack get Angel Si Ni Tang"
.... Dang Gui Si Ni Jia Wu Zhu Yu Tang Ingredients: Dang Gui Si Ni Tang +Wu Zhu Yu, +Sheng Jiang
.... Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang
Ingredients: Huang Qi, Gui Zhi, Shao Yao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao
Yang He Tang "Yang Heartening Decoction"
Syndrome: Yin Necrosis
Action: Warms the yang, tonifies the blood, disperses cold, and unblocks areas of stagnation
Key Sx: swellings without heads that blend into the surrounding tissue and do not affect the texture or color of the skin, no heat (P: slow deep weak)